Prayer Garden Ministries Full Gospel Church
We have now moved to a new location.
Address 6120 N. Harlem av
Chicago il,
Sunday Worship Service - 1:30pm is our worship time
Every first Sunday we have a combined service with Rejoice Ministries
At the same location @ 10:30 am every 1st Sunday in the month.
Tuesday Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm
Friday Night Praise and Worship - 7:00 pm
Women's Meeting As scheduled
Men's Meeting As scheduled

We are ministry that wants to reach out to the community one soul at a time. Changing lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ one soul at a time. Our missison is to spread His love and message with others.

We are so glad you came to visit our website. We hope that you will be blessed by what you see and experience. At our services, God has been pouring out his blessing and His Spirit in our services each time we meet. Please feel free to come and experience His presence and receive His love. Come allow Him to change your life.
There is so many amazing stories to share about what God is doing in the midst of our lives. We have prayed about it and God has answered we are moving to a new location. We will not be having serves in Evanston il, Our new location is 6120 N. Harlem. We are sharing a church with Rejoice Ministries. If you are in our area please come out and Worship with us. Come out and hear a great word!!!
Pastor Lucilla Richard-Seaton